Thursday, August 23, 2012

Readings..and the time and effort that goes into them..

Hello friends and visitors alike!
Just recently it has come to my attention that whilst most spiritual people are fully aware of the time and effort that goes into giving a reading, many have no idea, so I felt I would like to blog something to address that issue.

 Some people who have never done a reading and have little understanding of how this is accomplished often think that the reader can give them a reading "at the drop of a hat" so to speak. The following may give those that don't know, just a glimpse of the hard work that is involved and hopefully will generate a little more respect and consideration for the reader in the future.

As a result of seeing a friend of mine receive constant pleas for a freebie and remembering a time, when I myself, would try to do free readings for anyone and everyone who asked me, I wrote the following;

"Whilst I do occasionally do Free readings from time to time, in order to give something back, I no longer make a habit out of it.

Due to the amount of effort and energy involved..most people who are after a freebie do not understand the amount of work that goes into. Not only the reading, but maintaining my own spiritual health and well-being in order to do the work that I do,most readings take between 2-3 hours if you include;

1.Getting myself relaxed and in the right frame of mind to be able to do the reading to the best of my ability.

2.Preparing the room and making it so that I am comfortable and relaxed in it

3.Doing the actual reading which can take from a couple of hours to all day long{on and off}if it is an in depth reading.

4.Typing it out and then altering any spelling mistakes, trying then to present the reading in an attractive, easy to read way.

5.Continuing ongoing support for the Client, in terms of answering any questions they may have pertaining to the reading.

As you can see, it is not as simple as most people would believe and although I did offer free readings on a regular basis, I soon found I was totally burnt out with nothing to offer anyone.

I do not do this kind of work for the money, the money is just a fair energy exchange in my opinion.
This way both myself and the client receive something.

I have done too many free readings, out of the goodness of my heart and sometimes did not even receive a Thankyou.

If I do a Free Reading for someone these days, it is because my Angels and Spirit Helpers guide me to that person, so bearing that in mind please do not ask for Freebies, there are plenty of readers on forums such as these and also on Facebook that do free readings if that is what you are after.

I do offer readings for a reasonable and what I believe to be a fair price from my website Angelic Reflections.

Please contact me at the links below if you are interested,"

Ashanti Rose

Angelic-Reflections website of Angel Guidance Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher and Colour Therapist
Ashanti Rose

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon Rose. I was interested to read your blog above and know what you mean. Too many people these days want things for no exchange and if one feels obliged to provide this one can soon find oneself empty, both mentally, physically and financially.
    It is said that if one gives a lot, one will receive a lot. The trouble is that in this day and age everything costs us financially and although it is lovely to be able to give lots it doesn't always put food on the table or clothes on ones back. To give a smile, a positive comment can make someones day, but to keep giving for free ones work leaves one empty and broke, which can lead to stress and resentment - not a good place to be.
    I commend you for your amazing work and wish you all the abundance you deserve.
    Namaste and have a wonderful day, Janet
